

Aviation Careers and Education Sources Information

I've searched the web over and find the links from to be the most concise collection available. AvHome 

Planning a Career

  • While you're still in school, you should be looking ahead and planning what you might want to do the rest of your life. The internet gives you access to many valuable tools to evaluate your interests and help you determine what careers may be right for you. We've selected the best sites in these areas on the internet to help you in your search. Parents can help their teenager set good goals for themselves by helping them assess their strengths and weaknesses in conjuction with a career search.
  • Career tests have long been used by employment agencies, schools and colleges to help people develop a better understanding of the types of jobs they are best suited for. Career tests help to assess a person’s aptitude, intrinsic interest, talent, and core values. It also ascertains the most ideal working style and management style that the person identifies with. By gathering all of this information, career assessment tests can aid in narrowing down a list of fields or types of jobs that the candidate has the highest affinity for.

    Office Resources: Job Aptitude Tests and Assessments  Check this site for more info!


Academies, Universities, Flight Schools, & FBO's... fschools header

Federal & Military... fed mil header

  • The Internet has a lot to offer when it comes to government and military information. Find sites to FAA offices around the country, specialty aircraft sites, or to armed forces sites from around the globe.(Updated 2/6)

  • Award winning pilot training and career resources online. If you are interested in learning how to fly this is the place to turn for guidance.

Kevin's Aviation Links - My collection!

Aviation Employment Board - find online applications for airlines as well as many other resources related to work in the aviation industry

Federal Aviation Administration Career Opportunities

FAA Aviation Career Guides

FAA List - ATC Schools

  • Want to be a Air Traffic Controller? Here's the FAA's list of ATC Schools.


  • Transportation Careers form the US Dept of Transportation

Bureau of Labor Statistics

Job Interview  Interview Skills & Employment Information

  • Deciding on a career is an important decision and it is natural to feel confused or even stressed out about it. One popular method that is used by many people is a career assessment test. These tests help to suggest fields and types of jobs that the person would most likely enjoy and find rewarding in the long term too. A secondary aspect of the career assessment quiz is to help people learn more about their strengths, weaknesses, and interests.

JobStar--Career Guides Index

  • JobStar "is a great career counseling site – to my mind, one of the top three job-related sites on the Web."

Career Development Manual - Business Training Schools

  • With the changing nature of the workplace, concerns about the future have been expressed by many individuals, both those preparing to start a career and those having to adjust to job changes and job losses. A successful career is one of the most important pursuits in life. Both fresh graduates as well as those who are already in the working world seek to build a good career that is both challenging and financially rewarding, but many people are not sure which career direction they should take. As such, they may need career development counseling or programs to help them choose a career that they can excel in. There are a lot of career development manuals on the internet that can help people secure a good career. The links listed below will provide helpful information about the different things that a jobseeker should do to find suitable employment.

CareerMagazine Career-Related Links

  • Pretty good list of Career Links

Career Magazine

  • I think the title describes this entry adequately

Irish Jobs Page

  • All the top jobs in Ireland
  • Couldn't help myself, Just had to have this link here!